
Monday, June 20, 2005

Road Trip

The Dauggers Asleep In the Jeep
Originally uploaded by KATIEmagic.

Friday was one helluva long day.

I ate a sandwich from hell at lunch and by 4 my stomach was cramping so badly that I was convinced I was having a miscarriage. It was awful, and I completely freaked out. I had lovely rational thoughts like "If you had just kept it a secret for the first trimester this wouldn't be happening". Luckily the cramping was not followed by bleeding of any sort, just plenty of vomit and diarrhea cha cha cha. So as far as I know the baby is still blissfully growing away, and I have less than two weeks until I am finally out of the danger zone and I can get that fucking song out of my head, Amen.

I started feeling human enough to think I could still go to Austin to visit my brother around 7pm. I still can't get used to the trip taking 4 hours because I'm so used to living downtown from where it only takes 3. Of course that 4 hours has a funny way of turning into, oh, 5 or so when you're too attached to your dauggers to leave them in a kennel.

Some highlights from the late night drive down:

-A woman holding a tiny baby IN HER LAP while her male companion drove up several peoples asses then cut across 3 lanes of cars to exit coming thisclose to causing a wreck.

-Sitting in the Schlotzsky's drive-through for 20 minutes (no I'm not exaggerating) without moving at 9pm after vomiting all my lunch up only to finally park and go in to find food spread all over the floor and teenage boys high fiving each other and laughing about it then leaving without any food 'cause, yeah, I'm gonna eat something those guys made.

-Husband asking every 10 minutes if I think Bella has to pee. Then stopping to walk her just in case.

Our time in Austin was lovely, and I would just like to say that I have the rockinest little brother ever invented. He's such a great human being, full of strong morals, steadfastly held beliefs, a kind heart, and a great taste in all things B (b-movies, underground radio, etc.) He's going to be a fabulous Uncle Buck.

On Saturday night we took him out to dinner for a birthday dinner at Madame Mams which completely rocks the Thai house. If you are ever in Austin you seriously must go there.

On Sunday we tried walking the pre-historic gardens in Zilker Park, but poor Bella got so overheated that she was wheezing and I was panicking, so we left in short order to get the poor girl some water and head on home.

I wish that moving to Austin was as easy as just moving, because I would totally do that in one weekend.

Highlights from the drive home:

-Bella gasping for air through her poor little scrunched up nose was so painful to watch.

-Husband walking Chloe through a field of high grass and realizing that it was full of stickers (or burrs, or whatever you prefer) which are now completely covering her furry little face and paws, and back, and tummy. We're talking hundreds. I spent the rest of the trip picking them off and haven't even removed half of them.

-Getting a Sonic Blast ice cream treat and realizing that when they say "with Reeceā€™s Peanut butter cups", they really mean, "with one/half of a Peanut butter cup mixed with 4 cups of ice cream".

We got home at 7 then headed straight to Dad's for a little Fathers Day BBQ. I think I must have eaten a pound of potato salad. It was nice to see him and the step-family. We stayed way too long though, not leaving until 10:30, and we all know my pregnant ass has a bedtime of 10 now don't we.

All in all it was an eventful, lovely, and exhausting weekend. I may need a few days of vacation to recover.


  • At 2:01 PM, Blogger NME said…

    That must have been really scary. I was so worried about miscarrying during my first trimester. So glad you are almost out of the woods. It is such a relief.

    Mmmm. Thai food.

  • At 3:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Holy Moly! Glad you had a good weekend though! I hear you about that drive!! 2 more weeks!!

  • At 8:34 AM, Blogger hazel said…

    I love road trips, but they are increasingly complicated as pets and children enter the mix.

    don't you hate when people keep their kids on their laps?? don't you just want to stop them and like citizens-arrest their asses??

    I too have that song in my head, thanks. just...thanks.


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