
Friday, July 29, 2005

Dinner Conversation

Me: Wanna see my new stretch marks?

Him: Let me finish eating first.

Me: Excuse me?

Him: Well, how would you like it if I asked you to look at a boil on my butt during dinner.

Me: OK fucker, explain to me how those two things are even remotely the same?

Him: Chewing, chewing, chewing

Actually he's not far off. My lower abdomen is beginning to resemble Freddie Kreuger's face.


  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger NME said…

    At least you have warning. I went through most of my pregnancy without seeing any stretch marks and thinking I'd get off scott free. And then all of the sudden in the last month I looked like a road map. Nature is cruel.

  • At 10:37 PM, Blogger Missuz J said…

    Mine have finally faded to white instead of red. While preg though, and shortly there after, I looked like a bloated human candy cane. Also, please slap your husband for me. Boils and stretch marks have about as much in common as farts and sneezes.

  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger hazel said…

    yeah, what missuz j said. he better stop with that before you get much pregnanter and more lethal.

    with trent, I thought I had no stretch marks until my little niece picked up my shirt and asked what those red things were. they were on the underside of my belly so I didn't see them. later on, I had this weird skin allergy where my stretch marks stretched open and bled and scabbed over, which have made my "stretch" marks into more traditional scars. I tell you this so you can maybe say "at least they are just stretch marks."


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