
Monday, October 03, 2005

And She Returned Much Bigger And A Bit Disoriented

I've been to Vancouver once before, when I was 20. My mom and I took a weekend trip for my 20th birthday which was awesome, but short. This trip was much longer and much better since we had such an experienced tour guide in CanaMa. We liked it so much we spent he last two days driving around looking at "For Sale" signs and wishing we made more money. Houses in Vancouver are expensive! But I digress. The best part about the trip was spending time with CanaMa in her new environment. She's been there for 8 months now and it was hard not being able to picture her when we spoke.

It really sucks being back in Texas. Everything feels foreign here now. It's a feeling akin to being uncomfortable in your own skin. Our goal is to get to Vancouver or hella close to it (maybe washington state?) in the next couple of years.

Here's the slideshow.
Most of the boat, seaplane, and water pictures were taken from CanaMa's windows. She's on the corner of her building and two entire sides of her place are all windows. It's absolutely breathtaking.

Some trip highlights:
1. Ellis gained a Canadian fairy godmother (the one with her hand on my belly), yay!! More about her later.

2. CanaMa got her ears pierced after 55 years of swearing up and down that she'd never ever, ever, ever, put holes in her body.

3. Kent rode the North Shore trails that he's been talking about riding since I met him. Trails you can see from CanaMa's living room.

4. Waking up to the mountain sunrise.

5. Canadian people really are as nice as you think. Whenever someone asked where we were from they said two things. "Oh really, you don't have an accent" and "Gosh did you get any damage from the hurricane?"

6. Getting my hair colored (red!) by my mom's stylist, with a new type of color that uses no amonia and is perfectly safe for me to use. She's due two weeks after I am.

7. Getting a spa pedicure and meeting my ankles again for the first time in months after the amazing foot/ankle/calf massage that went along with it. (Seriously, all the swelling just dissapeared like magic.)

8. Being surrounded by raw natural beauty every where I looked.

9. The food. Good Lord all the food.

10. Spending half days alone with my husband on our last adults only trip for a loooooong time.

11. Leaves bigger than my head are everywhere. I've never seen leaves so huge.


  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger lonna said…

    Your pictures are beautiful. I've never made it up to Canada, but I've heard such wonderful things about it. We took a big vacation to London/Dublin a couple of months before we tried to conceive because I knew that it would be a long time before that would be possible again, and I'm so glad that we did.

  • At 6:19 PM, Blogger amandak said…

    Sounds like a blast, and I LOVE the pictures!! I guess, when you come home and it doesn't feel like home, maybe it is time to consider a move. My bestest friend lives in Seattle, and likes it there lots. I don't think I could handle all the grayness, but she thrives in it. Welcome back!

  • At 10:51 PM, Blogger Katy said…

    I wanna go there!! Can I got there? Please pleeeeease can i can i can i??? Beautiul pictures. Absolutely beautiful. I don't think that my camera phone would do it justice :)

  • At 8:27 AM, Blogger hazel said…

    I love canada. it's been a longtime goal of mine for a while to move there at some point. I've never been to vancouver, though. it sounds beautiful.

    I love the leaf pictures! I haven't seen the slideshow yet - I'm headed there next. and yay! you're a redhead! I won't be after tonight - I'm going back to brown for a little. you'll have to have all the redhead fun for me.

  • At 9:13 AM, Blogger hazel said…

    is it weird that I made my computer background the picture that I commented in flickr was my favorite? is that kind of stalkery? I don't mean it to be. I change up my picture every couple of weeks so if it is stalkery, it will only be for a little while.

  • At 9:14 AM, Blogger Missuz J said…

    What a lovely list. I LIVE for the spa pedicure. They are the BOMB! So glad you had a great time, you red headed hot momma!

  • At 2:51 PM, Blogger NME said…

    It sounds like your trip was lovely. And your photos are breathtaking. You should definitely move to Vancouver. I think it suits you more than Texas.

    I was taken aback by how friendly Canadians were when I visited. I was like "They are SO nice... they must WANT something."

    I have a friend who is opening her own organic non-toxic salon in Philly and she is specializing in dyes just like you mentioned. Do you remember the brand?


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