
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

About this time my dad would say something like "Well I was just checking to make sure you're still alive"

First, some cuteness:

Wow, these baby creatures are really time consuming. I barely answer my phone these days. Right now the baby is sitting beside me in his stroller entertaining himself with his usual after meal hic-ups. He holds his pacifier in his mouth with both hands so it doesn't fall mid hic-up. It's pretty funny. He's started getting very gassy after feedings and hard to burp. I never realized how difficult it would be to see him cry because he's uncomfortable. I just want to make it better, like, right then and it's really hard that I can't. He's in his stroller because I'm not allowed to lift anything heavier than him for another month. So he just gets wheeled from room to room whenever I'm home by myself. Kent had to go back to work yesterday. For all the bitching I did about maternity leave I should have realized how hard it was going to be for him. He only got a week off to spend with us which is just abominable.

Last weekend we took Ellis on his first outing. Once we finally got out of the house it was a lot of fun showing him off. I almost didn't leave at all because my vainty went into overdrive. My body looks pretty much like I'd imagined it would. I still look about 4 months gone. I wasn't expecting the belly to sag quite so much though. And I certainly was not expecting it to be so difficult to deal with. I thought I would be able to give myself a break about it and that has not happened. I feel disgusting most of the time. I've taken to just not thinking about it.

That sounds a lot more depressed than I actually am, but I've got to go quiet the screaming little man. Sorry for the disjointed post. I'll put some more linear thoughts down when I have more quiet time.


  • At 5:15 PM, Blogger amandak said…

    Hey, I'm impressed you're posting at all with a not quite 2 week old baby. I think I was just figuring out how to shower again at about that point (exaggerating, but only just slightly). We'll take disjointed, as long as it has pictures. ;)

    p.s. the mylicon drops saved my life with the gassiness. Madeline was the gassy one, and Zach just spit up on me all the time. I don't know which was worse.

  • At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I never had much luck with mylicon (I know others that have though). The thing that worked the best for me was gripe water. It worked wonders! Mine spit up a lot, but only because I had overactive letdown (pretty much like squirting a garden hose down the back of his throat) so he would gulp way too much b/c he couldn't keep up with the flow and then had AWFUL, AWFUL gas pains. I had to learn to nurse him in our recliner (reclined position) and pretty much let him lay on top of me while nursing so that too much milk didn't come out...had to do that until he was 7 or 8 months.

    I too am impressed that you are able to blog with a newborn!!

  • At 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey there, I have to second the gripe water! It is the MOST AMAZING stuff! I buy from http://www.babys-bliss.com/
    They deliver, but there are several places in your area that sell it (Store locator on baby's bliss website) Sometimes it made Camaryn puke b/c she had such a big bubble, and it would come up and bring milk with it. But she would feel better! :) It also is good for teething and INSTANTLY gets rid of hiccups! Cam was sensitive to what I ate in the beginning, ice cream would jack her up! Beans, veggies, also cause gas....Don't beat yourself up over the weight thing. It totally sucks, and I know exactly how you feel. Breastfeeding really helped me to lose the pounds, it just takes time. It sucks, but hang in there and you will be a hot momma before you know it!

  • At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He is so cute! You guys enjoy him!

  • At 8:49 AM, Blogger lonna said…

    I barely remember those first few weeks. It's great that you are able to put some of it in words to remember. I couldn't carry anything heavier than Dermot for 6 weeks either, so he spent a lot of time in the bassinet of his pack and play. The funny thing is we hardly ever used the pack and play and even then only as a travel crib after he outgrew the bassinet part. He was in his bouncer a lot too. We had something in each room where we could deposit him and try to accomplish other things.

    You might want to monitor your diet and see if anything is related to how bad Ellis' gas seems to be. I never had to watch what I ate, but I know of several people who really had to monitor things. One of my good friends has a daughter who is allergic to milk. So my friend had to avoid all dairy products (even the hidden stuff) herself while she nursed her daughter.

  • At 12:41 PM, Blogger NME said…

    I felt deflated and dumpy after Noah was born. And I wanted to crawl in a hole with him and Mark and just cuddle and sleep. It's so hard to get out of the house on so many levels. Hooray for you blogging.

    ONE WEEK! That sucks. Poor Kent.

  • At 12:52 PM, Blogger hazel said…

    it's so nice to see you and ellis!!! (well, hear from you, and see ellis.) congrats on being able to find energy to type.

    yeah, the sagging sucks. for some people, it gets better. I was not one of them. that's what lycra is for.

    bella loves the gas drops - we give her little tummys brand. and I had to really watch what I ate, too. I don't anymore, but it took a good 7 months or so before I could eat anything spicy. and by "spicy", I mean like with 2 flecks of pepper on it.

    one week is criminal. I hope he gets to enjoy you guys after work and on the weekends.

  • At 3:09 PM, Blogger Missuz J said…

    I remember HATING to burp soph. It was like--jesus, I just fed you, now I have to burp you to????

    She liked the mylicon. I've never heard of gripe water. Oh that it were like the peregoric of old.

  • At 5:49 PM, Blogger Kodi said…

    God I wish I had blogger friends back when Kiri was born. So many solutions and suggestions.
    Ellis is simply adorable.

  • At 9:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I just love him!


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