
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

6 Days Old

It's a whole new world.

First, Ellis: He is such an easy baby so far. We got the hang of nursing after about 4 days. It's rare that he doesn't latch on the first try. He hasn't cried except when he was either hungry or had a dirty diaper. He's up twice in the night just long enough to eat then right back to sleep. Last night I discovered that if I sing to him he calms down right away. He was holding his little head up for a few seconds the same day he was born. My favorite thing is the look of bliss on his face when he latches on to a pacifier or my breast. He crinkles his little forehead up like he has found heaven. When he sneezes he brings his fists up to his face like he's trying to cover his mouth. He stretches when he wakes up with his arms all the way over his head exactly like his dad. There are a million other little faces and noises that make my heart melt every time I see or hear them. In all my daydreams about what he would look like I never pictured his hair the way it is. He's baldy on top and long in the back. Our son was born with a mullet. I guess that's what we get for all those years of making fun of mullets.

Now me:
I'm still in pain but it gets better every day. I get my staples out tomorrow and I'm hoping that helps alleviate most of the pain. I still can't put on my own pants or bend over very far. It takes me four times as long to do everything including get out of bed to comfort the baby in the night. I have a hard time asking for help so it's frustrating me that I'm forced to. I haven't been able to change any diapers on my own because I get about halfway through and have to sit down. Kent has been doing the majority of the night time stuff. All of this has led to a few mini breakdowns. It's hard feeling like I can't adequately take care of my son because of a surgery I didn't want. Nature knows what she's doing though. The minute I look at him I forget about anything else except how in love with him I am. This morning during my first unsupervised shower I even thought that I might consider doing it all again.

Here are some of my favorite pictures so far. He's one laid back little man.


  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    He is so handsome. Glad to hear everyone is doing good.

  • At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW! I love it! Congratulations on your little man! I am looking forward to hearing all about him! :)

  • At 10:07 PM, Blogger NME said…

    Reading that took me right back to Noah's first days. Really very touching. So glad to hear that little Ellis is already such a charming young man. Hope things get better once they remove your staples. Thinking of you all every day.

  • At 8:36 AM, Blogger lonna said…

    Thanks for the pictures. He's so precious. I'm so glad that you are for the most part enjoying his company. I went back and forth between utter love for my son and complete devastation that I couldn't do everything that I wanted to do for him. So I completely understand. I had a hard time letting my husband do things for us too, but he really kept me sane back in the day.

    I am so glad that nursing is going well. Some women have such trouble and it's so good for the both of you. If you have any questions that come up later - like medications you can take, birth control issues, pumping etc. let us know. People who have been there almost always know more than the doctors do.

  • At 10:12 AM, Blogger hazel said…

    look at those pictures!!! I love the towel and the car seat. so cute.

    so sorry to hear about the blues and the pain. I hope it goes by quickly. try to remember that it'll all pass soon, you won't be in pain for much longer, and there will be a spazillion nights and diapers that you will get to do all on your own soon enough.

    btw, that picture of you in the red shirt - you look stunning, already.

  • At 12:09 PM, Blogger Stine said…

    Cutest pictures ever.

    As another recent post operative and a massage therapist, once you get your staples out, you should gentle rub vitamin E oil/fish oil on your scar to help it heal and to cut down on scar tissue.

  • At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    He looks SO MUCH like his daddy, but as he gets older, sometimes he might look a little like you and other times more like him. Everyone said my daughter looked just like my husband when she was born, but now she looks just like ME! Same for my son... The pictures are great and you are so lucky to have such a helpful husband...I wish mine could have been more like yours! You already seem to have the hang of caring for him - such natural parenting skills! Can't wait to hear more!!! Hope your pain is easing up and you are able to get around better.

  • At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congrats guys! That is fun! He is very handsome! Enjoy your new bundle of joy!

  • At 1:59 PM, Blogger Missuz J said…

    He's so sweet. I cried and cried in the weeks after Sophie was born. Be gentle and loving to yourself. Your body and heart have been through the ringer this week.


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