
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My So Called Life

A list of things that need to be done today:
Mop house
fold 2 baskets of clothes
do rest of laundry
clean master bathroom
clean and straighten kitchen
pick up living room
get babysitter for next monday (Sigor Ros, baby!)
upload Ellis vids for CanaMa

A list of things that will probably get done today:
feed Ellis apprx 500 times at an hour a stretch (1/2 hour feeding 1/2 burping)
change Ellis apprx 400 times

CanaMa has been gone for a week and a half and while I'm happy for her that she gets to live in the place of her dreams, the 12 year old in me was screaming at the top of her lungs and grabbing onto her ankles while on the way to the airport. "It's not faaaaaiiiiirrrr!!!! Why does she have to leave!!!!! Why can't she just live here again!!!!!" For that and other reasons which I will tell you about as soon as I can we're seriously considering putting our house on the market and Kent is looking for a job closer to Canada preferably northern Washington state. So there are big changes ahead one way or another.

Because she was such a big help for such a long time in many ways I'm just now finding out what it's like to stay home with the baby. It's been challenging. I need to figure out my sling so that I can carry him around the house with me. I think that will help a lot. As it is I'm lugging the bouncer around the house every time I need to do something in another room. The last two nights have been rough ones. I've been up since 4:30 this morning and now that he's finally sleeping I feel like I'm obligated to use this time to get things done (you know like take a shower, eat breakfast, and finally freaking blog). I'm thinking I'll need to just carve out 1/2 hour or so a day to blog and read others. I'm going a little insane without that daily outlet.

Tomorow Ellis will be 6 weeks old which means that I am finally allowed to excersize and lift things heaviear than the baby. I'd like to take advantage of my newfound freedom and get out of the house at least once a day. This idea is seriously hampered by the fact that hardly any of my clothes are suitable for public consumption. It's been three weeks since I got my pre-preggo jeans to close and since that time I have not lost any more of my tummy.

Shit- feeding time...more later. Forgive all the spelling errors and bad grammer no time for checking.


  • At 2:41 PM, Blogger NME said…

    Finding the balance of what you think you should do and what you can do is hard. In the first three months I don't think you can do much of anything - but try and eat and shower. After that - when he starts sleeping more and things fall into a more predictable pattern you will have a better idea of what you can do. So take those ideas of "should do" and throw them out the window. I have learned that my own expectations are often the most deadly.

    It must be very hard not to have your mom close.

    Good luck!

  • At 3:06 PM, Blogger amandak said…

    Oh those tiny baby days. I remember when Clark went back to work and called me to ask what I was doing. I stopped to think for a minute, then said, "Oh, just keeping the baby alive, that's really about it."

    Also, I'm totally with Nicole on throwing out all those "should"s. They're really only good for crazy making, and who needs that? A good day for me was getting out of my pajamas, seriously.

  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger Missuz J said…

    What they said. AND do try and get out of the house. It gets really easy to just sort of, well, marinate in all the baby stuff and forget yourself. Just walking out the door makes such a difference.

  • At 5:15 PM, Blogger lonna said…

    I have to agree with everyone else. My house still looks like crap because it's so hard to do anything when around a little one. When Dermot was six weeks old, he would nurse for an hour and then want to nurse an hour later. I would seriously nurse him at 8, 9:30 or 10:00, etc. until Ethan came home. It was crazy. Just remember to take care of yourself as well as Ellis. The house is the least of your concerns.

    Neither of us has family nearby and it's been difficult sometimes. I hope that things work themself out for you.

  • At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW! I remember those days! I was a little depressed, and overwhelmed. I finally said FUCK IT, and started napping with Cam. And I still do it! :) Hang on, because it will be over before you know it, and he will be crawling and walking! That's a whole 'nother ball of wax!Let me know if you need anything, or just wanna talk to another mom! :) Gwen

  • At 3:27 PM, Blogger hazel said…

    it must have been hard seeing your mom go. I'm still floored that you're even in your prepreg jeans...so seriously, you're so ahead of the game. agree with what everyone already said. I love amanda's answer of "keeping the baby alive" - it really comes down to that sometimes.

    I selfishly hope that blogging continues to be one of the things you do.

  • At 5:05 PM, Blogger Kodi said…

    The first couple months are the hardest, then I think you are acclimated and numb to the pile of laundry, dishes, diapers, etc....
    I used to love taking Kiri out and about when she was tiny. I'd dress her in her best and hit the Park, or the bookstore, whatever.

  • At 6:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree w/ Kodi, I HAD to get out of the house. It was the only thing that kept me sane. Then I didn't have to see the dirty clothes, dishes,etc. piling up! HAHA I spent very little time at home once she was taking regular naps every day. I would plan my errands around her schedule. Even now, with a 4 yr. old and a 22 month old, I don't spend much time at home...we're always on the go (at least in the morning time before nap time). A lot of times I HAVE to get out of the house b/c they start fighting over all of their toys and it drives me crazy :)


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