
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Introducing BetaEllis

One of the things Kent and I have been a little concerned about is how the dauggers will behave around the baby. They are both very sweet and well behaved (for the most part) dogs so we're not talking about jealous aggressiveness but loving aggressiveness could be a problem.

When they like someone, they really try to let them know. Chloe jumps to try to reach your face and give you a big 'ol kiss, and Bella dog licks and steps all over your feet. When you're sitting down Bella dog likes to stand in your lap (all 65 pounds of her) and put her face right up to yours and just smile at you or if she wants to play she brings the toy right up to your face in the same manner. That's great and fun and we love it when she does that but it's not going to be a good thing when one of us is holding the baby. She's heavy and clumsy and one mis-step could be really painful for the little guy. She has never stepped hard on her sister even when they're playing rough so the concern is probably completely unfounded. Even so we've been wondering what to do about it.

This week a package arrived from CanaMa to help us with our problem. All of the baby books and dog books recommend this technique so we're going with it.

Introducing BetaEllis:
Tripping out over the mobile
BetaEllis Kicks It
Getting to know his big sister Chloe
BetaEllis With Chloe
Kickin it con mami
BetaEllis Smiles

The minute I introduced BetaEllis to the girls they knew he was something to be gentle with. They both love helping me put him down for his nap, and are fascinated with diaper changes. Bella hasn't grabbed one yet but I'm sure that's coming. It's a little slower going on the couch-Bella dog-in-lap situation, but we're already making progress. Of course it's a lot easier with Kent home to help. A fact that I'm sure that will become even more crystal clear with FinalProductEllis. In the mean time it's nice to be able to practice with BetaEllis. Thanks CanaMa!!


  • At 8:43 PM, Blogger lonna said…

    That's awesome. I had read that it could be useful to play tapes of babies crying too. We didn't do anything to prepare the cats for Dermot. We just figured that we'd see what they would do once he was here. Cats are pretty easy though. Both of our cats are fascinated by Dermot, but keep their distance. They like things to be predictable and Dermot's too crazy for their liking.

  • At 8:31 AM, Blogger hazel said…

    I love it. I read about that too, that a doll was the way to go, but I was like...doll? I don't have time for no stinkin doll. but when your ma comes through in a pinch, there's nothing left to do but bust the doll out with fancy pants and give it a go.

    so supremely excellent.

  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger hazel said…

    oh, and by the way, the biggest change that maggie and kitchen had to deal with was the fact that they didn't get as much love. or if love were being doled out, they now had to share it with a third love-hogger. I think it makes maggie sad sometimes that we don't have time to greet her first or throw the ball as often, but she seems okay.

  • At 10:14 AM, Blogger NME said…

    That is HYSTERICAL. Love the outfit.

    I know our cats are a bit more love starved - but they cope.

  • At 11:12 AM, Blogger Missuz J said…

    If I say that's fucking hillarious will I hurt your feelings?

  • At 12:42 PM, Blogger Kathryn said…

    Not at all! It makes me laugh every time I pull him out of the nursery.


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