
Sunday, November 20, 2005

Shrimp Week #32

(go to flickr to see the stretch marked bare belly version of this weeks pic) This week is a milestone of sorts: Babies born after this time tend to do well even if they are premature. Nearly 10 percent of babies are born before week 37, when they officially come to term. At 32 weeks, all major organs are functioning except the lungs, which may need further time to develop. But your little one doesn't exactly look like a rosy cherub--he weighs about 3 pounds, and his thin, wrinkly skin hasn't filled out with the layers of fat that develop later. Luckily, in many cases, all he'll need is some time in an environmentally controlled isolette to become the chubby angel you imagined.
These last couple of weeks have been quite a remarkable time for my pelvic region. The shrimps head is grinding away on my pubic bone every time I stand up. My very lower back is achy all the time and my days of walking like a normal person are officially behind me. In Wall-Mart this afternoon I practically cleared the isles just by walking (read swaying) down them. My hips feel like they're going to pop out twice a day. Finding a comfortable sleeping position is next to impossible. Thank goodness I no longer have to climb in and out of my Jeep every day.


  • At 8:30 PM, Blogger lonna said…

    I had to sleep with a little kidney bean shaped bean between my knees for the last 2 months, but I was up so much using the bathroom that it didn't really matter.

  • At 1:48 PM, Blogger Kodi said…

    I love the new vehicle. That will be perfect for the new addition to the fam. I found I was extremely clumsy when I was 8 months pregnant. Constantly falling down and bumping into things. It's a wonder the little darling didn't have bruises all over her by the time she was born.

  • At 5:40 PM, Blogger Missuz J said…

    Oh. Right before having Soph--if I was with someone, I'd sometimes have them push me in the wheel chairs they provide at the grocery store. At first, I was embarassed, but I just figured--fuck it, I'm pregnant and miserable and I'm going to sit my ass in this chair and get pushed around.

  • At 10:04 AM, Blogger hazel said…

    oh my god, I remember those days. I totally feel for you.

    where's your flickr link? I want to see the stretch marks.

  • At 10:17 AM, Blogger Kathryn said…

    Oops! http://www.flickr.com/photos/katiemagic/65264026/


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