
Sunday, March 12, 2006

2 Months


It’s amazing to me what a different baby you are from the one month old I wrote my last letter about. One thing hasn’t changed though, you’re still an easy going little guy. When you were first born everyone kept telling us to enjoy your temperament because it wouldn’t last. They had us convinced that you were going to wake up one day and be an inconsolable screaming mess. We must have done something right in our previous lives because that never happened. The most sure fire way to make you happy when you are fussy is simply to stand over you and smile. You immediately shift gears to play time and all is right with the world. It is the best feeling in the entire universe to see you smile at me.

Two days after your one month birthday you were propped up on your dad’s knees in our bed while he was making silly faces at you. It was the tongue wag that drew out your first smile. At first you made us work hard for those smiles, but as the weeks go by they become more and more spontaneous and frequent. Soon after your first smile, you started to copy one of us if we coo-ed to you. Now you’re the one who initiates the conversations. If your smiles are any indication we’re having some pretty funny talks. You’re most inclined to do this right after your early morning feeding. I’ll bring you back to bed and you’ll look back and forth at your dad and I just smiling and coo-ing for about half an hour. It’s becoming my favorite time of day.

Soon after your GP went back home, we moved you into our bed. Now you sleep between your dad and me every night. We all seem to sleep much better that way. Your pediatrician says we should move you to your own bed in a couple of months. Right now just the thought of not being able to reach over and rub your little tummy when I’m half asleep makes me want to cry. Speaking of your pediatrician, you had your two month check up last week. You’re growing so fast. You’re already 13 pounds and 24 inches long. That makes you heavier and taller than 90% of other baby’s your age. No wonder momma’s back hurts!

We’ve recently started piling up a bunch of your blankets and letting you hang out on the floor in the living room while we watch TV. You only like this arrangement if one of us is sitting down there with you. (this is a recurring theme; you always want one of us where you can see us) We get in a lot more tummy time this way, which you hate so much that last week you turned over onto your back three times in a row just to be able to look around at the world again.

You and I have really started to get into a rhythm during our days together. We’re not on any sort of schedule yet, but we’re both getting used to being each others only company for most of the day. Last week for the first time we got out of the house a lot to run errands and do some fun things like go to lunch with Daddy. We also went to the post office to get you your first passport. It only took around 5 tries to get the picture right. You’re looking right into the camera, and I can’t wait to use it when we go see your GP next month. Your dad is trying so hard to find the kind of job that allows him to be home with us during the day. He misses you so much when he’s away at work, and when we’re all together, it just feels like that’s the way our family should be.

I still love you more every single minute. There are times that I feel it so strongly that I have to hold back tears. It’s an overwhelming and amazing bond and I feel so damn lucky to be experiencing it especially with you.

Spring has sprung where we live. It’s been warm weather and blooms everywhere. I’m looking forward to introducing you to so many things now. The wildflowers in the fields, Bob the turtle who came out of hibernation just today, the swimming pool, the museum, the library. I’m excited for you to be old enough to understand these things. I know you will be in no time at all. But in many more ways I want you to stay just how you are. My smiley cooing little man, for just a little while longer.


  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger hazel said…

    so sweet. I love him in the sling. it's like the pregnancy pictures.

    I'm so happy that you love being a mom so much. it's wonderful reading about you and ellis and how you're all bonding. good for you for making your own choice when it comes to sleeping. don't be afraid to continue.

  • At 3:14 PM, Blogger NME said…

    Your post is really beautiful - as is your baby boy. Very glad that Ellis is an easygoing little lad, that you are enjoying motherhood, and finding a rhythm in your days at home with him.

  • At 3:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hope to get to visit you guys this week!!

  • At 3:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I love him in the cords! He looks like a mini man!


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