
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Another Non Vaginal Sonogram Havin' Appointment Yay!

While I'm eternally grateful that I didn't have a foreign object in my vagina today (those sonogram dildos are so cold and detached) I'm dissapointed we didn't get to see the baby moving around. We did hear a heartbeat loud clear and strong. Husband hadn't heard it yet so I was glad we were able to pick it up with no problem. Still it didn't leave me with quite the same amazed and joyous feeling I get when I see the little shrimp. Maybe it's because I'm so tired. Last night my body said sleep! sleep woman! And my head said sleep! sleep woman! But alas I could not comply. It's been gradually getting worse and worse. Especially when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee. After that forget it, I'm up for at least an hour. My Dr. said to take Tylenol pm if I couldn't sleep. Then he told me how to make my own for way cheaper. Just buy regular Tylenol and generic benedryl (sp?) and take the at the same time. Interesting. I think I'll try it right about now.


  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger Missuz J said…

    Did you get some sleep? I never had a dildo sonogram, just the things on the belly. Is your baby in a weird spot? Is the dildo sonogram a better picture? Dude. It's so awful when you're pregnant, and someone you have to let someone who you're not related to looks at your choch once a week.

  • At 3:07 PM, Blogger Kathryn said…

    I got distracted by A Baby Story. They told me when I first had the vaginal sonogram (at 5 weeks) that it was because they wouldn't be able to see anything yet with the other kind so I assume that continued to be the reason. Hopefully I'll get to have the normal kind next month. And hopefully we'll get to find out the sex next month!

  • At 3:35 PM, Blogger hazel said…

    I am jealous of your hoohah sonogram. I got 2 ultrasounds with bella-baby (as opposed to bella-dog) and one of them was like a week before she was born. all that time without getting to see her - it was hard. not that I can read those things very well anyways and the ultrasound machine that my doctor used was from like 1937.

    anyway. when I kept getting woken up by having to pee, I made sure to keep a very small light on in the bathroom so I wouldn't have to turn the lights on, and I didn't flush - that way I could stumble in, pee, and stumble back. no loud noises, no bright lights. it would seem to be better than benadryl, cause that shit gives me fucked up dreams.

  • At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Try taking Hylands "calm forte" a natural sleep aide..I have used it for months after years of sleep deprivation..no hang over..no addiction and safe for the babe.


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