
Monday, September 05, 2005

Shrimp Week #21

By the end of this week, he'll measure about 7 inches from crown to rump and weigh nearly a pound. Not bad for a little guy who weighed barely an ounce 10 weeks ago! His hearing is developing, and sounds from your conversations can be heard inside the uterus--along with your heartbeat, stomach rumblings, and the pulsing of blood vessels. In fact, the womb is so noisy that it's been compared to an airport runway during takeoff; it's thought that the stimuli prepare the baby for the cacophony of noises, sights, and sounds that will greet him at birth.
Also new this week, Kent can feel him kick!


  • At 9:18 PM, Blogger amandak said…

    Kicking is cool.

    Go, shrimp, go!

  • At 1:40 PM, Blogger lonna said…

    It's great when your partner can feel the baby kick because it makes it seem so more real to them. That's when my husband really started talking to my stomach. Dermot was one of those babies who stopped kicking the minute that Ethan put his hand on my stomach, so I had to convince Ethan to leave his hand on my stomach for a stretch of time so that he could feel him kick. Fun stuff.


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