
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Is This Called Being Responsible?

I have never in my life been one to plan things. I hate planning because when you plan things you're invariably committed to doing things you might not feel like doing when that day comes. What if I just want to go to the movies on the day I've committed to help a friend move? Life is too short to constantly do crap you don't want to do all of the time. (That said, I do generally commit to doing things that I know are important to other people and very rarely do I break a commitment when I agree to it.)

So imagine my surprise these last few weeks when I have the overwhelming compulsion to get my shit organized and planned. There are so many things I want to get done before January there is just no possible way it's all going to get finished. For example; do you see this wall paper?

It makes me want to scratch my eyes out every time I walk into the kitchen. Which is a lot these days. I know we're never going to get around to taking it down once the baby's here so if we're gonna do it it's gotta be soon. Also the wallpaper in the guest bathroom and half baths are hideous. I'm fairly certain none of them have been updated since the first season of Friends. You know how you watch those first episodes and say to yourself, "Wow, that looks really dated I can't believe I wanted to look like that." That's our wallpaper.

Also, I have no idea what else to do with the baby's room. Right now the closet in there is full to the brim with boxes we're storing for CanaMa that are too heavy to go in the attic. Where the hell are we going to put those? I still need just about everything for the baby including a stroller and car seat and a FREAKING CAR. The car might be at the top of my list actually. It's hard to car shop for practicality. When I bought my jeep I loved it because it felt fun and free and was affordable. Now I have to buy a car that fits all these requirements that are just no fun at all to think about and not worry about how it looks as long as it's functional. Our biggest priority (besides safety, and cheap) is that there is enough room for shrimpy and the dauggers on road trips. I'm sure the first time we attempt a road trip with two dogs and an infant I'll want to kick myself in the shins for making it a priority but there it is anyway.

I feel the need to paint the whole house something other than off white. I'd like to get several area rugs so I'm not sitting on cement playing with the little guy. Forget that all of this shit costs lots and lots of money that we don't have.

I'm not seriously freaking out yet but I do have all of these things just kind of hanging over my head. Like that feeling you get around late March when you know you should really go ahead and file your taxes. Or the week before a term paper is due and you always feel like you should be working on it rather than doing whatever it is you're doing.

Fuck it, I'm gonna go make a list.


  • At 6:06 PM, Blogger Missuz J said…

    Apparently, you can just paint over wall paper without too much trouble. I saw it on a home show a while back. Paint is damn cheep too.

    When Sophie was born, Erik didn't have her room ready (for this he almost had to be killed) and she slept in my room in the closet (with the doors taken off) in her bassinet. As pissed off as I was with the situation, it actually was pretty nice.

    As for cars, we just bought a Subaru Forrester off lease. It's in great shape, is pretty sporty, and has been a great car to haul Sophie and stuff in. The off lease thing is a pretty good deal, in my oppinion, because even though it's used, the person who leased it had to take good care of it.

    You didn't ask for advice--but I gave you some anyway. I try not to do that. Sorry

  • At 6:07 PM, Blogger Missuz J said…

    Damn I wish the comments spot had a spell check.

  • At 8:41 PM, Blogger lonna said…

    I never got the nesting instinct. It sounds like you have it early. I asked to have an early shower so that I knew what I had received as gifts and what I needed to get on my own. We were pretty ready by about month 8, but that's how we are.

    We only had a Honda Civic when Dermot was born. We work very close to each other, so we carpooled. When Dermot was still in his infant carrier, it wasn't all that bad since you just snap it in. We ended up buying a Honda CR-V when he was about 4 months old because I knew that my back couldn't handle all the bending required for baby seats. We both love our CR-V. I don't know about room for the four-legged babies, though. The stroller takes up most of the back section. It has plenty of leg room and storage room, which was important to us. I'm 5'9" and all legs.

    Our house is still all off-white too, so I don't have any advice about that. I have lived in dorms or apartments since 1987, so I was just happy that the new house was clean and looked clean and modern.

  • At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well I have to agree with the Forester. I love love mine. I just got a new one with leather and turbo so its fast and fun. They also have a roof rack on them for bikes or travel boxes. We have traveled with dog, two mountain bikes and gear all inside with room to spare. Even Husband likes to drive it.

    As far as the house I like plain and simple. I found some great rugs at pottery barn on sale and I have seen some at TJMax. Painting over wallpaper is very doable and better than removing it I promise. Paint with Kilz first and go to town.

    I found a cheap painter and had them paint I just don't have the touch but what took them 2 days would have taken many weekends. It was very worth it but it is not always great for the budget. If you enjoy painting it may satisfy the nesting feeling.

  • At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey girl, go to garage sales, baby consignment stores, thrift shops for your baby things.Got friends who have babies for hand me downs? the car..well, way back in the stone age...1971 when I had Jason..I had no car or phone or TV and looky here..we both survived it just fine.I am amazed at the amount of baby stuff you kids seem to need..simplify..prioritize. Auntie C*


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