
Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Old Rusty Barn

Kent and I have this ongoing "fight" about whether or not we live in the country. I say we live in the suburbs because there are a ton of neighborhoods, Starbucks and Blockbusters around the corner, and that kind of thing. When I picture "in the country" I picture something like this.

Or this.

Or maybe this.

All of which were taken around the corner from our house this morning. I think I may have lost this one.


  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger lonna said…

    Wow, right around the corner, huh? All we have around here is people with too many cars, couches, and bricks in their yards. The only old barn near us is being destroyed to make way for new condos, but I live in a college town, where the farming history is pretty much being destroyed. Most of Iowa is still country. We don't have to go too far to experience it.

  • At 4:20 PM, Blogger Katy said…

    You live in that hazy in between place like me. Sure there are barns and cows a block one way, but a block the other way you get the highest grossing Super Wal-Mart in the country...oh wait...maybe that still says country. Maybe we're both just in denial about living in said country. I know!! We live in the qgqdzgkt.


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